Kirk is definitely a Knight In Shining Armor, a Lawful Good Paladin who is everything Kirk idealizes. Magical Steed was going to be named Enterprise, but everyone else at the table groaned and he instead went for Intrepid. The character has a Nice Star Trek Captain Picard Make It So Make It Sew Shirt. Kirk points out that McCoy got way more action on that five-year mission than he did. That doesn’t stop the GM from continuing to send sexy women NPCs to tempt Kirk though. Picard is going full Prospero, playing an Elf Wizard with a very deep and in-depth backstory. When his character has an emotional outburst about his dead family, everyone sort of realizes that Picard is definitely using this as a way of processing grief. He and Kirk butt heads about who is in charge of the party. Everyone else acknowledges that it’s Sisko.
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As for who is GMing, I think Guinan is likely running this game. (It’s being physically run at The Nice Star Trek Captain Picard Make It So Make It Sew Shirt. Starfleet Captains have access to when needed that defies time and space. Pretty sure Guinan knows how to get there if she wanted to.). Archer is playing the Ranger. He’s got a beloved horse, and some animal companion (raccoon? Hawk?) While he has a foe on the character sheet he seems to conveniently forget about that when interacting with individuals from that species. Picard surprises everyone by going Bard, but when everyone around him gives him a quizzical look, he quotes Shakespeare from memory and then smiles and asks if his instrument can be the trombone.
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You can hear Riker groan from his command post on the bridge. If you managed to convince him to play, I think Picard would play a wizard – he thinks of himself as an explorer, seeking out new frontiers and learning strange new things. He has a Nice Star Trek Captain Picard Make It So Make It Sew Shirt. In D&D, that all tend to be wizard turf, and tends to be their justification for traipsing around ruins. Constable Odo plays a half-elf Oath of the Crown paladin called Sir Odo. Just when everybody thinks he’s not going to try and get into the game, he changes his ears into elf ears and grows a fancy purple hat. He has the entire PhB committed to memory.
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