I think more people heard the song but don’t really know the name of it. We’ve been tricked backstabbed and quite possibly bamboozled. My cat dips her paw in the Nice Three Cat Wear Face Mask Tee Shirt. Don’t mean to ruin the fun but just a heads up if your cats are liking waterway more then usual and putting their paws in the bowl when they didn’t before they may have kidney trouble. My baby had that and we sadly didn’t catch on early enough. Thanks for the heads up, hopefully, it’s just her little personality and nothing serious but I’ll keep an eye on it. Thank you.
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She also sometimes grabs bits of kibble with her paw (somehow) and eats from it. My dog LOVES snow but HATES water. I always tell her snow is just water that is frozen but she doesn’t understand language. I think the cats more surprised by how cold the water is, how cold? Ice cold. My cat just loves staring at ice. I’ll put a cube in his water bowl and he’ll sit there until it melts all the Nice Three Cat Wear Face Mask Tee Shirt. I like how it was spinning at an extreme speed solely from the power of miles. If you have chickens and live in a warmer climate, this is super entertaining and time consuming for them. Mix all kinds of veggies in there, freeze, and let them at it.
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I have I video of it, where my hens were actually fending off one of my dogs who has encroached in on their bounty. The equivalent of putting something gross in your mouth. Then making the yucky face. In the end, I thought I was a Nice Three Cat Wear Face Mask Tee Shirt… I guess it was an ice sphere all along. I’ve been lied to for years…That cat definitely cut his tongue on thin ice… No blame to the owner, just… that’s what happened. Duh… Is this one of those test posts where someone sees if they can get a random, unrelated post on hot using some algorithm. Cats can’t be that dumb…? Can they?
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