I think people who don’t ward are asking to get ganked. People who farm jungle buffs/recall at full health instead of pushing towers when we team-wipe the Nice Watching These 2020 Debates Be Like Shirt. If there are two mages on the team, I don’t pick mage. They’re the games who farm up til late game and are suppose to be doing consistent DPS and take down structures. There are some good crit builds out there which are definitely viable, and ability based gods (such as Ullr, Neith) would want to build Trans and play with the items around a bit. Guardians‘ builds are very flexible. Building this on Keep would not have the same effect on Jorm. Some builds want to be more aggressive, some less. I know it’s a beginner-focused, but In my opinion, new players. Should be taught how to build rather than what to build.
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Here’s another one Stop blaming the jungler for not ganking after you fed your brains out Jungle falls behind in farm faster than any other role except Nice Watching These 2020 Debates Be Like Shirt to gank someone who has a 5 level lead because they probably aren’t gonna kill them. If you don’t run a crit build it’s pretty easy to hit 300+ power which means. A single fully stacked heart bomb can hit for about 395 + 600. That’s without mentioning his ult too which also has pretty high scaling. I can’t actually remember but I’m pretty sure it’s 100% or more). Let’s assume 100% because that’s the lower end I think it. Could be and he’s got an ultimate that can hit for 550 + 100% in a massive AoE and it CCs. Yeah but outside high level play almost nobody builds spectral armour.
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