I admit I probably see this Not All Superheroes Wear Capes Nurses We Fight What You Fear Shirt more than most being a nurse and having a lot of nurse friends, but every day I see another post from one of my friends about nursing. Nursing superheroes, the struggles of nursing, why nurses have it so bad, thank a nurse, you wouldn’t understand what it’s like to be a nurse or something ludicrously dumb like how nursing is one of the most physical jobs in America. Granted this job does suck for many different reasons. But the constant need for nurses to pat themselves on the back rubs me the wrong way. Most jobs suck.
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Came here to say just that. They still get winter and spring break and summer vacations but you’d think they worked double shifts 7 days a week. Every time I’ve ever been in the hospital the nurses have been mean to me. I don’t mean just nasty. I mean, cruel. Including when I was 12 and lying on an operating table. Then I don’t get the culture of nurse-worship. I was an EMT and no one acted like I was any big deal. I’m sorry for your experience. Unfortunately, nursing seems to attract a lot of “mean girl” types who haven’t even worked long enough to become “jaded nurses”.
Official Not All Superheroes Wear Capes Nurses We Fight What You Fear Sweatshirt, Hoodie

Exactly within the medical field, this seems to be predominantly a nursing issue. I’m a PGY-3 MD at a hospital which as of the time of writing is >90% COVID-19 cases. I’ve been trying to write out my thoughts and feelings each day through this disaster. So it makes some sort of sense when it finally passes. One other thing. I went back and threw in a detail about a Respiratory Tech who thankfully was wearing PPE when she got sprayed. The RTs in my hospital and elsewhere are absolutely real heroes. They’re exposing to the worst conditions in COVID rooms.
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