I took some 200 and 300 level courses in the business college to fulfill some requirements and it amazed me how the business students just wouldn’t shut the hell up. They were the Official Ask Me About My Butthole Shirt had to resort to jr. high teaching tactics to get the class to shut up. It was full of kids who could not be forced to give a single solitary damn about any part of the class. Material or tests required any studying. Anyone not being a jackass in every class could wing it and get an A. The best part of this is the sweet relief that this CB will never make it to or through med school to be a doctor. So good. So happy. Thank you so much. Then it’s really a nice shirt. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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Oh heck yeah. Personally, I’m going into nursing, and anatomy and physiology kicked my ass the first time through. This class was my let’s get-in-gear-class. So It changed my work Official Ask Me About My Butthole Shirt. A&P showed me I can’t just take notes I need to get my ass in gear. I do hope that this person finds that in their life. And develops an actually work ethic and self-accountability. To hand them things on a silver platter. Tbf canvas gave me a lot of anxiety, and I just had to exposure therapy myself through it. It’s not like it’s optional. Avoidance will only reinforce the fear. If you think I can’t do [required thing] because it gives me the anxiety is a valid excuse you shouldn’t be doing what you’re doing. Canvas just organizes assignments and turn-ins.
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