Most countries don’t have their own Amazon site, but they do send into other countries and also have shipping centers in more countries than they have local sites. For Official Atlanta Braves Rally Potato Shirt in Romania despite it not having a local site. You can go to and in the left upper corner, there will be an option to set “deliver to” and then pick your country. Then underneath the products, it will say if it ships into your country. Overall you are probably better off buying local because of shipping and prices, but if you can’t get something in your country, amazon maybe your best bet. The only lockable door we have is the entrance door. But I have discovered that the more she has to work for something. The less likely she would take it. Top of the shelves stuff is, for now, the safest from her.
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Block all her friend’s accounts. Block her too. Buy a lockbox, and put all your stuff in it. Then, give her the coldest shoulder possible for like a day or two. Then set hard boundaries, and enforce them. She’s 14. She’s entirely capable of Official Atlanta Braves Rally Potato Shirt, especially if she’s so destructive. I have the same (give or take a year) age gap as my sister. She is entirely capable of following the basic rule of, ask before you touch my stuff. She also believes me when I say what the consequences to not asking are, ranked from a mild scolding to more severe depending on if she broke something and if so what. Your sister is the same. In short, give her reasonable consequences, don’t back down, follow through.
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