I rescued a cat with another cat and my sister brought home Official Christmas Best Friends Cat Shirt and a stray at the same time that was female with a normal tail. We kept nubbins and found a home for the other cat, which the new owners discovered was pregnant. Three kittens had nub tails and two regular tails. Then I thought the whole time that the people I rescued nubbins from had cut his tail off as they had done with his whiskers. They also tried to drown him and fed him cocaine so it didn’t seem like a stretch. It was embarrassing when he was born like that though because I had told everyone they cut it off and felt like a liar.
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Nubbins had like a two-inch tail and his son Rambo who I took in has an inch long tail. Try to imagine how much of a handful a week-old human baby would be if they could run around like that. Holy crap that would be a disaster. That looks like a mixed Manx cat to me, too. Notice that in addition to the bobtail, it also looks like it has slightly longer back legs than a standard cat and a different running gait. Those are features of Manx cats. It actually looks very similar to the Manx we had all through my childhood, though a little bit larger.
Official Christmas Best Friends Cat Sweatshirt, Hoodie

I had a kitten that had a bobtail like that, we’re not really sure what happened. It was definitely not her breed, all her brothers and sisters had long tails. Made the poor thing an awful jumper, she’d measure her jumps a lot longer and still fail half the time. She was also the most skittish cat I’ve ever had, even though she was born and raised by us. Amazing that they’re that fast at 1 week old. But I guess that happens when you evolve alongside lions that are trying to eat.
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