Even though a wolf in sheep’s clothing Official Cute Dabbing Sheep Mom Lovers Gifts Mama Mothers Shirt means that the person is pretending to be nice they aren’t, to get closer to their target. In order to harm them. Maybe I’m bad at interpreting stuff, but I thought the artist purposefully chose ”a wolf in sheep’s clothing” because that is the way we are taught to perceive people that break social norms like presenting like. That would be interesting but require some more setup of the fictional world. And the sheep’s personality to come to that conclusion. As it stands, the only way to make sense of it is to use our own cultural understanding – which includes the phrase “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”.
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Which makes this comic confusing at best (which it clearly is, look at this thread) and unintentionally anti-trans at worst. So one day an Australian was driving down a backroad in New Zealand. The scenery was quite boring in this area, crops on one side, empty field on the other. Sheep on the left, a lone tree on a hill to the right. But the further on he went, it got weird. Yes, there were still sheep on the left, but he noticed a local fucking the damn things! A bit further on he saw it again, albeit a different farmer and a different sheep!
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He got out and tried to get it to move, but to no avail. It was getting dark by now and he was getting damn pissed off he hadn’t seen a single bar on his drive. So with fosters on the brain, he decided “what the fuck, there’s got to be something to this!” So he drops his pants, whips it out, and starts going to town on this sheep, hoping it’ll move. After a minute or so, the sheep-loving locals he saw earlier stumble by him, laughing their asses off, to which the man yelled “what!? You two were doing it earlier!” And they replied, in unison “ya, but that one’s ugly!”
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