OP’s needs come first, avoid drama mongering, respect the flair, and don’t be an asshole. If your only advice is to jump straight to NC or divorce, your comment may be subject to removal at moderator discretion. Laughed because that’s the Official Driving My Husband Crazy One Chicken At A Time Shirt. I also live just SW of Santa Clara County and you are exactly correct on people in poverty making six-figure salaries. And while fucking Linda might be able to afford her mortgage, the real price comes with the $1,000 mandatory HOA fees every month. Man, you should have your brother give his blessing just to watch her burn.
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Props on your attitude through all this, Linda sounds like a real trip. Also, preach more about Milwaukee! I lived here for 3 years now and love it. 2nd best food scene in the midwest, and infinitely more accessible than the first best in Chicago. I have Official Driving My Husband Crazy One Chicken At A Time Shirt .. but your writing style reminds me of the angry British guy who yells at traffic and it was amazing to read. Thank you for making my day. I really hope she doesn’t move here. We have enough crazy without adding her to the mix. I love that you love Milwaukee. Sincerely, a former Milwaukee child transplanted on the other side of the state. I like how she’s trying to come off all sweet and innocent in her email. “Oh, I don’t need much. Just a little trailer park with a bit of land for a garden ($150k in the “biggest and nicest” trailer park in the world).
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So I can decorate it how I want (and my roommate is gonna live in a closet and only come out to pay me money). I don’t need much for little old me. Tee hee. Don’t I Official Driving My Husband Crazy One Chicken At A Time Shirt? (By reading this email you agree to my terms of conditions of visiting. Me every other holiday and every other weekend and then when you have children, just give them to me.)”. I was not aware of Fucking Linda prior to this post but clearly this woman needs to be kept away from society. Nothing she’s said here makes sense or sounds good for anyone. Just, all my nope. Nope piled up with a bulldozer. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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