It’s not hard. It would be hard if the admins actually had to exercise a Official Flag Offends You Kiss My Nevada Shirt. Additionally, the power-hungry moderators will just keep making new accounts to get past the account cap, requiring an IP level enforcement mechanism that, again, would require the admins to actually give a shit. Also, as much as everyone loves to hate mods, they’re unpaid volunteers. Reddit (the company) has no reason to make life more difficult for them when they’re the ones monitoring the site for free. You just hit the nail on the head. They’re doing it unpaid, but I suspect it’s not really free. Nothing is free. They do it to drive an agenda. No one would enjoy being a mod of a hundred subreddits for fun.
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I suspect the whole, “brands/countries/whoever paying mods” is something. That happened after the power mods became power mods. I doubt it was the Official Flag Offends You. Kiss My Nevada Shirt mods. I feel like there are plenty of people willing to power mod just to have that power over people on the internet. Think about the kind of asshole who runs a shitty HOA and forces their neighbors to make changes to their homes just for the power trip. Now imagine that person on the internet, on a fixed income, and super insecure about something. How did this mod manage to manipulate the sub to push their extremely narrow beliefs? IRL president is the only approved poster and last I checked about 80% of all comments are deleted. I personally find it odd a sub with so little allowed community engagement can regularly hit the frontpage but that’s a discussion for another time.
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