She’s actually my company lawyer. Took me ages to find a good female lawyer but she’s badass, hardly sleeps. But always looks well-rested and put together. She’s invited to all our Christmas parties and it usually ends with us Official Get The Fuck Out Of My Face Shirt. And hijacking the other’s Tinder account. So they’re just worried a “single woman” will be a temptation for their husbands, and that they’ll. Actually have to see you being single and living your fabulous life, while they have to deal with their crotch nuggets and beer-bellied husbands. A neighbor is returning back to Europe for her special-needs child’s education. I think there will be more of this, moving. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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Where you think people are a little saner. I don’t know how much saner Europe is compared to the U.S., but maybe. They just put the laws on the books and happily ignore them more readily. That’s terrible I can’t believe how cowardly the entire world is, too afraid to question. Anything being passed off as “safety measures”. I guess this is what it looks like when society overindulges in the Official Get The Fuck Out Of My Face Shirt. We start taking everything for granted, like the freedom to associate and live a normal human experience, all for fear of reaping the consequences of mismanaged health. ADHD, depression, and Autism are at epidemic levels with children. They want to make it worse. Administrators and public health know all about the data, it is being discussed among academic circles. They know that electronics are causing problems on a mass scale.
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Come on down to the South. My kids play with their friends daily. We don’t put up with stupid shit unless you’re in a big city in the South. Then the stuff you mentioned is the least of your worries. Asks us if she an Official Get The Fuck Out Of My Face Shirt. It’s fucking crazy, and you are absolutely right. We as adults have built up a never-ending list of poor excuses for why we can’t show affection or trust in others. Kids simply don’t have that. So It’s like we are putting grown-up responsibility on them. And I am terrified what the long term effects will be. And the craziest thing of all is I have seen ZERO science that we should worry about our kids catching it. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women.
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