I agree it may be best to temper the waters at home, as a lot of people who will go to see this will likely be nerdy adults who love Miyazaki’s work. Also, thinking on it my kids were even fascinated with The Official Harley Quinn Never Underestimate A Woman Who Was Born In July Shirt. No, don’t take her. I think she’s too young to even remember seeing the movie or developing alike for it that young. Maybe if she was 5 or older I would. My two year old loves Totoro. Calls it by name etc. It’s also a really short film at just over an hour.
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Totoro is literally my 2yo girl’s favorite thing in the world. She’s a walking talking little person with her own personality and definitely loves that film. We took her to see it at a local cinema back in July and it was an incredible experience! Everyone in the cinema had their own families an Official Harley Quinn Never Underestimate A Woman Who Was Born In July Shirt. All the adults had a lovely time cause all the laughing and energy made for a great atmosphere. Personally I’d say not to bring them. They’re 2, they literally will not ever remember they saw it for the rest of their life. Meanwhile, if someone who adores Ghibli movies and is excited for their one chance to see it in theaters has it ruined by a child, that’s gonna be a sour memory for decades.
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This. I saw Ponyo when it was originally shown in theaters and someone brought a screaming baby (not even toddler) to the movie and never got up to take it out of the theater. Like seriously, if you have a child that isn’t behaving. I don’t really think a two-year-old is old enough to fully appreciate the movie or the experience so it would be kinda pointless. On the other hand, I went to an event like this. I would fully expect there to be young children there. So I can’t really say I’d be mad about it.
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