I and the homes wanted to remind you that its spelled dimethyl-TRYPT-amine. Tryp is the abbreviated form of tryptophan, that’s how I remember it, look at me, I got the blunt in my mouth, shit, usually I’m drug-free, but tonight I’m with the homies. Just riding tripping really tripping… There’s somebody Official I Bake So I Don’t Choke People Save A Life Send Flour Skull Shirt. All I want to say is that you’re wrong about Kesha. Next time you do this, watch the videos on her Vevo channel. Shit is meant for tripping. Read the whole thing. I love how you just get caught up in thought loops that just don’t go anywhere. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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Then you come out of them like “what the fuck was I doing?” I’m excited to try it for the first time on new years! I appreciate you reading all of that man. I have always had some obsessive thing with music where I can listen to an Official I Bake So I Don’t Choke People Save A Life Send Flour Skull Shirt. When I’m on acid and I really like a song, throwing that shit on repeat is a slippery slope because it never really gets old and you start to have no idea how many times you listened to it. But Ya it’s really fun this was my 3rd or 4th time doing it and I really enjoy it. Just make sure to be around people your comfortable with and probably do 2 tabs at the most. But hey, I’m not your mom you can do whatever you want.
Official I Bake So I Don’t Choke People Save A Life Send Flour Skull Sweatshirt, Hoodie

I died when you said that the chair makes a nicer chair than a table. It’s the little things, right? I can’t even understand the level of fucked up you are trying to convey through these poor phone notes. Who types out Official I Bake So I Don’t Choke People Save A Life Send Flour Skull Shirt? Wtf? And if you do at least do it in an easier to read way. I am a social worker and worked for a domestic violence non-profit for a couple of years. I am a social worker and worked for a domestic violence non-profit for a couple of years. That last text also screams a threat to me. It may not legally qualify as a threat but please be extra careful. It’s great that you’re already working with a DV agency.
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