One person basically just wants “right to be left alone” and is happy to pay. Their own way, while the. Other Official In Wine Theres Truth Shirt get at . Other people’s money to cover their own expenses. How can you possibly say the former is the. Selfish one, let alone acting like the latter is some form of altruism? That’s the big problem with this. It’s mostly just people looking to make a buck off of their neighbor . And then patting themselves on the back for it. I’ll have a child one day hopefully and will not have to go in debt just over. Their birth (hell I was born one day and benifitted from the system right there). Or if I break a leg in a home accident or if said hypothetical child is born . With a medical condition or if I need assistance as I grow old…
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Our system is not perfect but I can’t fathom the stress of either having any insurance, having insurance. Official In Wine Theres. Truth Shirt stay with them. Or that kidney stone? A thousand? Ten thousand? I could never afford that on a surprise. A surprise cost for healthcare would just make me not seek healthcare, which would make things potentially worse on the long run. I see stories about people having to call an ambulance and then be . Slapped with the bill despite the fact that the ambulance was a necessity. And I’m here up north thinking of the times I called an. Ambulance for my parent and how I only had to.
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