Especially when it’s vegans calling it out when a new vegan food item hits the market. It’s saving animals and making it more accessible to the masses, so shut up with your negative comments making all vegans look like Debby Downers. I try to eat as healthy as possible, but if a delicious vegan junk food item hits the market I’m indulging dang it! I have a non-vegan friend who was once vegan/veggie and Official Kentucky State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt. Because I don’t eat purely salads and raw vegetables as she did. That’s always fun when it comes up. I’d copy/paste or recite the vegan definition to her every time she said it, then ask her where the fuck it talks about being healthy. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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Nothing drives me nuts more than people who try to make Veganism about health, the environment, blah, blah blah… There are already groups and labels for people who care about those. Well, if we ruin the environment, where will the animals live? I get the point about health (though we are also animals and Official Kentucky State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt), but the environment is inextricably intertwined with the animals that live in it. Sure, in a roundabout way it is, but that’s not the same thing as being the point. Yes, I do everything I reasonably can to reduce my impact on the environment, but that’s not what makes me a vegan. Reducing animal suffering is what veganism is about. Period. If animal agriculture went through such an overhaul that it suddenly became “good” for the environment.
Official Kentucky State HBCU Black Ivy League Sweatshirt, Hoodie

If the primary concern of vegans were the environment, we’d be killing every cow we rescued. From a slaughterhouse instead of raising them, after they’re still releasing harmful methane into the Official Kentucky State HBCU Black Ivy League. I don’t think you have to value the animals less just because the environment is a part of your focus. I’d say I am for animals and environment 50/50. Actually, I wouldn’t even split it. It’s intertwined for me, ya know? I try to reduce the suffering of animals completely in my life. Then, I try my best to be good for the environment because that is an incredibly urgent issue for us all. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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