You are not defined by how others have treated you, nor by the way. Your brain manipulates you into believing that you aren’t worthy of life. You deserve as much time as you need to heal; and for our sake. Please give yourself that time and do not an Official Made In 1973 Limited Edition Shirt. You deserve time to flourish into the best version of yourself and I’m asking you to give yourself that time. Meditate, journal, do whatever you need to stay calm. We are all here for you. Sounds like you could need a fresh start. Start working towards being independent. So you can move away from your family’s house. I think it could be good for you to lay. Your past behind you and just get away from it all for a while. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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I feel you brother. I’m 26 and I live with my parents. It’s really frustrating sometimes. But I wouldn’t be here if I thought my mom wouldn’t need me. Sending some love to your brother. I can even imagine what you are going through. But you an Official Made In 1973 Limited Edition Shirt. In your own life as well as on here. No one on his sub would ever want to see a report about. You not being here anymore, you are loved more than you know. I’m in the process of finding some joy in life without her. Keep yo head up. This world is an asshole even to assholes, let alone to kind souls. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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Have you considered going to a therapist to talk about all this? You mentioned family therapy as an Official Made In 1973 Limited Edition Shirt. Deserve to have some hope and be able to turn your life around. You are young, please don’t throw away your life. Grab a pillow off your bed and scream into it for as long and loud as you can. I was in a very similar state several years ago and know how hopeless, endless, and lonely that feeling is. Don’t give up. Keep reaching out. I have readen every single word and wow man how much did u have to pass. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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