OP’s needs come first, avoid drama mongering, respect the flair, and don’t be an asshole. If your only advice is to jump straight to NC or divorce, your comment may be subject to removal at moderator discretion. Good for both of you set boundaries. I encourage you to call her out an Official My Granddaughter Is The One Person You May Wanna Skip Shirt. Refuse to accept gifts that you don’t want. If she does manage to bring things into your house, I would move them directly to the donate pie and say things like, “my friend Jean will love this, thanks so much.” When she says that she bought it for you, you can say, “oh, that can’t be right, we already told you no so we’ll be donating it.”.
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One thing you said in the beginning about your bump, and how you’re uncomfortable with all the attention but “you’ll get there”… girl, please know that you don’t need to “get there” unless that’s where YOU want to be, not because MIL “needs” you to be. I never imagined how awkward and uncomfortable I would feel about my pregnant body until I was actually pregnant! I’m 31 weeks and I feel amazing. I really love an Official My Granddaughter Is The One Person You May Wanna Skip Shirt. MY body and I absolutely despise the prying eyes and stupid ass questions like I’m the immaculate conception or something. Haven’t y’all seen a pregnant lady before?! Since COVID started, I have had dozens of requests from friends, family, COWORKERS, literally everyone, to see my baby bump.
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It’s so hard to say no because people expect you as a pregnant woman to want to “show it off”, especially. When millions of other women are parading their bodies all over social media. I am so grateful to have spent 75% of my pregnancy indoors and away from people – especially my JNMIL. And JNSIL, who bluntly asked me to step away from the camera. On an Official My Granddaughter Is The One Person You May Wanna Skip Shirt. Yeah, no. I haven’t been as strict on ultrasound pics, but I kind of wish I had been. You’re right, they are pictures of your insides! Private stuff. They are super close and the whole lot of them
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