Do you remember what you drank and how much? I’m asking because I’m concerned he Official You Know What Time It Is Miami Shirt. Something about the way you described the environment in which you were drinking doesn’t make sense to me. I know each person is different when it comes to alcohol tolerance, but on average it takes a standard sized woman of 150 lbs around 7 alcoholic drinks, at 30% alcohol for each shot, within 3 hours (average football game length) to get pass out drunk, more if she’s drinking beer or wine. Obviously, the fact he had sex with you without your verbal ability to say yes means he did rape you. His actions, which means he absolutely disregarded and did not, in fact. Care about or understand your need to not be intimate for a time.
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We made a batch of mixed drinks with about 8 total shots of alcohol in them. Which was then divided among three drinks. I made the Official You Know What Time It Is Miami Shirt, but he made the third. That batch was certainly the strongest, and he even offered to. Switch drinks with me because of how strong it was. I think that the combination of drinking a large number of shots within a short time frame. Combined with my low tolerance and my not eating much beforehand. Caused me to get more drunk than I anticipated. Well within bounds and appreciated) that several people have blamed me for drinking too much and causing an issue. Posters have pointed out, intoxication does not equal consent. If your biggest concern is the amount of alcohol. I am never drinking around him again.
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