healthcare they still rank pretty low. Scotland (which has a separate system from the rest of the UK) and Germany both have more localized system. I think Americans would be much better off with healthcare on the state level, with federal Out Of My Way I Get My Daddy Back Today Shirt the little kinks between states. Yeah most Canadians that have taxpayer-funded healthcare hate it. Because of the wait times, the lack of funding for the actual hospitals, and the fact that the doctors do the absolute minimum to save money. If you want healthcare go buy some damn insurance and stop bitching. You people really want to use the VA Med system? They literally left veterans to die in the hospital! If you know anything about government, you know when the gov does anything it gets fucked royally. Idk if this is true but.
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I think most Americans who are against a national healthcare system are against it bc they think they will not benefit from it. So if that changed and they learned that they would benefit from it, I think that would change their minds (at least the majority of them, some people just can’t be reached). So are Americans capable of learning new information and using it to make an informed decision? oh wait Idk, maybe not. That’s sarcasm, but in all seriousness, I think every American stands to benefit from national healthcare for at least one Out Of My Way I Get My Daddy Back Today Shirt procedures, pricing, and policies. Having a ton of people under single insurance (public government-assisted insurance) means insurance companies are at less of a risk and so premiums and prices decrease.
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