I was driving through rural Montana years ago and I came over a hill, I thought I saw Owl I See Books I See Coffee I See A Good Day Ahead Shirt 3 kids playing by the side of the highway a couple of hundred yards away. Did I think, why are these kids out in the middle of nowhere? As I drove by, it turns out they were golden eagles eating roadkill. That would have been over 20 years ago and I can still picture it like yesterday in my mind, they were freaking huge. Owls really do whatever the hell they want, huh? They’re very quiet, fast, big, and fly like a professional jet pilot, who’s gonna stop them?
Owl I See Books I See Coffee I See A Good Day Ahead Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women

The whole “opposable thumbs” thing is really strong, we can just chuck whatever’s on the ground near us at it. Humans chucking random shit at things was the catalyst that put us at the top and I think that’s amazing. Then I was about to say that this looks like the actions of a parent defending. Its nest as I have seen very similar activity from burrowing owls trying to keep snakes and iguanas away from their burrows. Then owls are nocturnal birds found all over the world. Most owls are nocturnal but there are a few exceptions like the northern hawk-owl who hunts during the day.
Official Owl I See Books I See Coffee I See A Good Day Ahead Sweatshirt, Hoodie

A group of owls is named a parliament. Their eyes are fixed in place, which is why they have to turn their heads to see. Owls also have a pretty bad sight from up close. And they use the feathers on their beaks to feel for their food. Then they swallow their prey whole and later regurgitate the part that can’t be digested like fur and bones into a pellet. At least you sleep, I stay awake while standing outside on glass outside of my parents’ house. While having hot sweats and freezing chills at the same time due to the volcano to my left and frozen tundra to my right. At least you have a source of heat. I sleep in the frostbite-giving snow because that’s all there is for thousands of miles.
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