I hope I didn’t come off the wrong way. Get your inbox bombarded with People Should Seriously Stop Expecting Normal From Me We All Know It’s Never Going To Happen Shirt anti-feminist sentiment and it gets to you man. How are you even surprised about these MRAs lol, you’ve been posting there for a while. Does anti-feminism just blind guys like u or something? I don’t understand how it’s so hard for them to grasp that society in the west is just caring more and more for each other and is wishing each other well. It’s not an evil conspiracy by super-evil media to brainwash us and make us soft. Our grandparents and more so parents realized how much life sucks if you are forced to be a certain way and have to do things a certain way. This may be made sense way back in the past but with how technology has changed our lives it’s okay to go after your dreams.
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Live your life to be fulfilling and make you happy. None of us are born selfish and bad. Children care a People Should Seriously Stop Expecting Normal From Me We All Know It’s Never Going To Happen Shirt. Only when we start imitating our parents we start caring less about others. We start bottling our emotions. Except that’s less and less the case because fortunately a lot of people recognized that it hurt them and that they don’t want their children to be hurting. So we are teaching our children to look out for each other. To take care of ourselves and each other. Be considerate. To do what makes us happy. And somehow there are people who believe that it’s a bad thing.
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Funny how most posts I see on this sub come from MensRights or something similar, and not the feminist subs. Because most men’s rights activists don’t actually care about men’s rights, the People Should Seriously Stop Expecting Normal From Me We All Know It’s Never Going To Happen Shirt. They don’t actually want to talk about productive things like. How to encourage emotional vulnerability in men to help them open up. And cope with struggles, they just want to say women are cunts. It’s like if feminism was nothing but those super radical angry man-hating feminists and did nothing but shit talk men.
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