Really any condition and age. If you are 60 and you tell the doctors you have chest pains, you will be rushed into a Premium Angels Among Us Butterfly Memorial Personalized Shirt. At light speed. And it makes sense; cardiac complications in young people are much rarer. But it really needs to be said that people need to take their health into their own hands because you know your personal history and your symptoms far better than a doctor does. They know the statistics, but you know your illness. I am 37 and seeing a cardiologist. Everything shows as normal right now but my grandfather died at 45 of a heart attack, great grandfather in his 40s of a heart attack.
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Mother died at 46 of a heart attack, and her sister survived a heart attack at 48 after being told her chest pains were caused by bronchitis 3 times. My mother died after being repeatedly misdiagnosed. Young and/or female cardiac problems are not usually taken seriously. When I worked in the Premium Angels Among Us Butterfly Memorial Personalized Shirt. One was chest pain 35 and under. The other was chest pain over 35. The 35 and under was pretty much treated as “meh,” probably musculoskeletal or anxiety. Cough, chest pains and headache and dead within a day in a 36 yo?! Nothing about this presentation sounds like a heart attack. It is much more likely for her to have died of COVID. Most medical professionals ignore “classic female symptoms” for anything.
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The standard is always based on male symptoms, even when you try to drill the female symptoms in people’s heads. They always default to male symptoms for the disease. People don’t understand the Premium Angels Among Us Butterfly Memorial Personalized Shirt. It happens all the time. And it’s why women’s health is so important yet is consistently an underfunded area. This is what worries me most about COVID. Yes, the risk may be low for a lot of the population, but when hospitals are full, normal hospital functioning is going to slide to the wayside.
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