I have that story basically memorized because it stuck with me when I read it but that is not what I am advocating for. Our debt has skyrocketed under this administration and almost Premium Being Normal Is Vastly Overrated Shirt. Not every person is born capable of getting a good job and we need to recognize that as a society. There will always be people who don’t fit into the mold and we shouldn’t look at them as a scourge or a problem but as a brother and friend we help out. Help those around you no matter what. Sorry, but there are homeless people everywhere, not just democrat cities. So good. So happy. Thank you so much. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt for your colletion.
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So it turns out you’re exactly the type of person I was talking about in my original comment. You are enabling the Premium Being Normal Is Vastly Overrated Shirt. Human wellbeing for the sake of an imagined fantasy. As is the democrat MO, destroy what demonstrably works and replace it with what sounds nice at the time. You are abjectly ignorant of what the USA was built on. And how rare your freedom and fortune is. If you came in from the perspective of being thankful for. What you have and being realistic about gradual improvement that would be fair. But you’ve shown your hand as being completely dismissive of what has built the country and enabling the complete dissolution of social cohesion. So good. So happy. Thank you so much. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women.
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