To this day, it is the only film that’s ever given me nightmares. Tried to watch it again at 34 years old – could not do it Premium Black Women Afro Hair Aries Queen Shirt minutes I watched. Holy shit, maybe the novel is good, but whoever thought a g-rating was appropriate (just because it was a cartoon) did NOT watch Watership Down the movie. I’ve seen the centipede one, antichrist (so fucking gross but not scary at all), Kevin, and Zachary, even Martyrs (that you mentioned) — none of them came close to fucking me up. Like animated rabbits tearing each other apart, complete with a fucked up Willy. Wonka cave ride of bloody, decapitated bunny heads… Whoa, okay, wtf is this about even? Someone from Facebook suggested I watch it because it’s a “good Easter film.” I said “isn’t it for little kids?
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(Because of the cartoon rabbits). They said something like “it’s tradition/right of passage/fun kid movie you’ve got to see at least once!” Me “Now I want to, but they don’t show it in the US. It’s a cartoon film about rabbits but there is a Premium Black Women. Afro Hair Aries Queen Shirt in a snare, bleeding and foaming at the mouth. At the end of the movie one group of rabbits goes to attack another and they tear at each other and there’s a lot of blood. Then a dog kills one of the rabbits. Oh and also there’s a scene where a field is ripped up (by farmers. That’s described in detail in the book. I think what makes is scarier for people is the older style the cartoon is in. Makes it a bit more gritty perhaps.
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