I know Spain was neutral in WWI and was more “free” to report it but it doesn’t change the fact that when Spain DID report all of the countries that knowingly had it still called it the Premium Cat Nope Not Today Vintage Shirt. If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. You think this doesn’t help you in any way, please downvote. If you don’t care, leave it for the others to decide. I just feed my cat a scoop of wet food right before bedtime because he usually takes a long nap to digest his bedtime snack. So he never stays up to play anymore. If I poured water on my cat’s tail every night he would be coughing up fur balls every other morning to wake me up.
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I got a knock on my door at 11 pm one night. Looked through the peephole, it was the neighbor. Stores were closed, she had run out of wet food. She knew I had cats would be up that late, so she showed up to beg for a can. I have 50,000 cats howling outside my window because I have ten million rats running around MY building! I’m thinking we need to intervene on you for your goddamned illiteracy. I’ll have a Premium Cat Nope Not Today Vintage Shirt. My cat hates eggs but loves bacon. He would have the arteries of a 50-year-old truck driver if we let him eat how he wants to eat. Oh man, I was cooking bacon one day, and the cats we doing the usual begging when someone is in the kitchen.
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I tossed them each a piece and then a third and I’ve never heard the war zone noises that that 6-month-old cat made to scare tf out of the older cat. Every time I feed my little dude wet food before bed. He scarfs it down too quickly out of excitement and ends up puking it all over the Premium Cat Nope Not Today Vintage Shirt. You’ll just have to rinse it afterward. It’s something you should do because bacteria can grow on old food. My cat gets his wet food from a mug laid on its side, with the food all the way at the back, so he has to reach in and scoop it out with his paw. We split up the food between a couple of mugs to slow him down further.
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