Also culture! There are so many cultures out there that aren’t really represented and even. When someone mentions something from mine I get giddy inside cause I feel a bit represented. It would be nice if they did something like RoE where the main character and her fam are set as one race, nationality. And ethnicity and they had lots of nods and a Premium Cool Native American Arrow And Teepee Flag Shirt. How that particular group’s family dynamics and culture are like. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much. Kamilah is a queen. I love her. So I hope they eventually come out with an MC that looks more like you! And I hope you have a lucky day.
Premium Cool Native American Arrow And Teepee Flag Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women

Someone else here pointed out that customizable LIs make it so that Choices has virtually stopped writing Black Los because changing a character’s appearance but giving them the exact same backstory/experiences isn’t representation, which, as a Black person gets very frustrating. It’s a problem I have with MCs all the Premium Cool Native American Arrow And Teepee Flag Shirt. I might as well just play as a white MC since it has no bearing on the actual story. Even the hair is awful. Like, a lot of the hairstyles look so strange if you choose a non-white MC. Someone else here pointed out that customizable LIs make it so that Choices has virtually stopped writing Black Los because changing a character’s appearance but giving them the exact same backstory/experiences isn’t representation.
Official Premium Cool Native American Arrow And Teepee Flag Sweatshirt, Hoodie

So, how do the people who deny it’s an issue suppose PB is writing these characters, knowing that the majority of players will be pursuing the white (male) version of the LI? For female versions, they’ll (mostly) change the pronouns. And maybe write separate intimate scenes and that’s it. No differing backstories for their different races or genders, all the same, vague white guys with the same lived experiences. I don’t necessarily fault people for picking the LI they find the most attractive. Because they were given an option, but the disparity is still alarming and PB has been making no efforts to change things. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much. And I hope you have a lucky day.
Other Product: Seniors 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Shirt
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