Ya, I never got an email in regards to pirating HBO, but once I downloaded the season 8 game of thrones. And then when I opened it, it was like some Premium Ghost Read Book Hello Halloween Boo Boo Para Crew Shirt. Really shitty tv show, where the story didn’t make any sense. But somehow the actors and the sets still looked the same. I think they used digital enhancement or something. That’s why I love Teksavvy. Its the one internet provider that I know isn’t out to fuck me. Anytime they get their prices lowered from Bell, Rogers, etc, etc they pass that savings on to the customer that day. They actually go out of their way to protect their customers. Well sue you into the ground” to “pretty please, it’s so easy to pay for the content, please give money”. So good. Thank you so much. So happy.
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I used to get a ton of emails from Shaw and now get a ton of emails from Telus. All they basically say is “this may be copyrighted. Consider adding a password to your WiFi to prevent unauthorized access.” It’s bullshit they’re legally required to Premium Ghost Read Book Hello Halloween Boo Boo Para Crew Shirts they never actually do anything. If it’s on Netflix or prime I’m happy to watch it there. Netflix blew up in the golden age of pirating because it made accessing media easy. The production companies are greedy and want all the profits to themselves so now instead of taking an 80% split. Netflix they get 100% of nothing because nobody wants yet another streaming platform. Then it’s really a nice shirt. Thank you so much. So happy. So good. Ok.
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