Interesting. There’s a comment on the video that translates to “sounds of the zodiac knights anything talk to me youtube greetings”. Not sure if it’s a clue or just sloppy Google translation. But I decided to call it “Sounds of the Zodiac Knights” until a better title comes along. Well, I spent my free time yesterday rummaging through his. Albums from 96-2006 and I couldn’t find anything. The lyrics don’t match up Premium How’Re Ya Now Vintage Retro Shirt. I tried looking up demos but to no avail. His tracks are usually acoustic guitar driven. So unless he really wanted to change up his usual style, I think we can cross him out as a lead for “Stay By My Side. I left a detailed comment earlier. Not sure why it didn’t save.
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Myself, I helped out sharing a (now archive at Wayback machine) interview. Where they asked Vincenzo Spampinato if he sang the song since many fans claim there was an alternate version of the credits with his name on it. While Vincenzo said he’d have answered in Premium How’Re Ya Now Vintage Retro Shirt as soon as you mentioned the opening of the anime. On the flip side, a situation like the Noam Kaniel “breakthrough” raises the question: At what point can we consider something 100% confirmed? Do we actually need possession of a recording’s official release? If so, what if that particular mysterious song was never officially released? Anyway, it’s being added as “Can’t Stop My Heart”. See the URL below for the lyrics and search. Thanks for sharing.
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