I know. I’ve tried to explain this to my family and they just say I’m weird. Only 1 friend has really taken it to heart, she totally adopted that saying from that time. Hurray for scientists! So essentially, he’s punished even though he doesn’t deserve it. And that’s how he “saved” us — we’re all deserving of our punishment. Because we sin, but then this guy got punished without Premium Shoreline Mafia Shirt. Or some shit like that. Like the scales were set so humans are sinning pieces of shit, but then god does of a piece of the shit move by killing Jesus, and I guess that balances the cosmic scales? Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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I mean it in the most literal and neutral way lol. How is it possible to look at the religious stories as metaphors and consider yourself Christian? I think its fine that you do, the only reason I ask is that I was raised Christian and like in OP’s experience. Those who taught and raised me seemed to look at the stories as fact, however, I did not. But I mostly kept to myself about this because I felt as if I’d be Premium Shoreline Mafia Shirt. Anyway, I guess what I’m also asking is how do other religious people react to the way you view your shared religion? And do you practice going to church, lent, etc… Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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When I was about 16 I read the bible front to back and I started taking these stories much more metaphorically because they really are a little crazy. And an interesting thing about Christianity is that there are HUNDREDS of denominations and some more liberal with the interpretation than others. So you could still have faith that Jesus was real and died for your sins and Premium Shoreline Mafia Shirt all of us and heaven and hell also believe that a lot of the bible is metaphorical. Jesus loved him some parables. I like to think he would approve. The old testament is the best insight into the history of the Ancient Jewish people we are going to get. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much. Ok.
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