I know most of what happened. Her boyfriend was messing with her kids and she didn’t know it. They wouldn’t tell her. But because it was happening while she was at home Premium Stitch I’m Not Arguing I’m Explaining Why I’m Right Black Shirt. They kept her locked up in jail for a long time waiting to go to trial but they threatened her with life in prison for something they had no evidence to prove. That’s how corrupt Spartanburg county works. They keep you locked up as long as they can to intimidate you and force you to plea out to something you didn’t do just to get it over with. She had nothing to do with it but she had a corrupt public defender that basically. Worked for the other side and wouldn’t do their job. If they would have investigated fully then they would have found her not guilty but they are lazy and corrupt.
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Half of Spartanburg county has been arrested for domestic violence and corrupt Chuck keeps taking their sorry asses back. Now secondly you may not have liked her but this is definitely not Premium Stitch I’m Not Arguing I’m Explaining Why I’m Right Black Shirt. This kind of drama while her family is going through This devastating loss. You are assuming she is guilty based on the corrupt Spartanburg county judicial system. I’ve lived near Spartanburg before. I don’t know how it is now, but a few years ago the law enforcement there was absolutely corrupt as shit. The landlord now has to clean up the mess and owns a property that had a murder/suicide. I wouldn’t say he or she is the bad party in this situation.
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