I slow down To go behind him but there’s too much traffic. I speed up to get in front of him, I signal again in front of him and am about to change when he speeds up and goes beside me again. This time he Premium Yorkshire Terrier Dandelion Shirt I tried to cut him off. I’m like I just fucking want to. Be home. I keep driving and this guy just drives in my blind spot the entire time. All the cars around us are gone now cuz we’re taking up both lanes and I can’t do anything. Eventually, he speeds up and cuts me off and then brake checks me going 110km/h. My son screams and I start crying cuz I’ve just had too fucking much today. So we’re both stopped on the.
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We just got the news at the doctor that they saw something but didn’t know what and he has to come back for further testing. My heart fucking sank I can’t even explain it. I’m driving home from the doctor, I haven’t told my husband yet. I’m trying not to cry or lose my shit cuz my son is in the Premium Yorkshire. Terrier Dandelion Shirt tiny. Driving on the highway, a Porsche Cayenne is in the right lane and I’m in the left lane. I signal to change lanes because my exit is coming up, and the Porsche just stays in my blind spot. I wait and wait and he doesn’t move. Highway, I wait for an opening and change lanes around him and he does it again. I literally can’t get away.
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