This is what we were all worried about. To be admitted on day 10 when he’s already receiving the best Pretty Cats 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real #Quarantined Coronavirus Shirt and care at home was concerning. Does the UK have a formal “line of succession” for PM like the US has for the presidency, or is it on a “case by case” basis where they could, in theory, pick anyone from their party/coalition? It depends on the government. If there a deputy PM then him or her. In this case, its Raab who is the first secretary of state. That’s an honorary title that basically means seniority over all other cabinet ministers. So it becomes PM in a situation like this. If there is no first secretary of state then the Chancellor takes over.
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To understand, keep in mind that this virus has two kinds of receptors; one for the upper airways, like a common cold; one for the lower airways, like SARS. Think of it as a chimera. It uses its ability to massively infect the upper airways to spread so incredibly well; you expel a lot of it when e.g. coughing, sneezing, singing. While not feeling very sick yet at all, as your upper airways can take severe damage without impeding you that much. And they don’t have to get it far inside to infect the next patient in the upper airways as a cold would.
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So the virus starts slow, in your upper airways, with about 1,5 weeks of very mild symptoms. It can deteriorate faster if you are old or the viral load was high, or take longer if you are young and healthy. If you beat it while it is merely in your upper airways, no biggie, just a cold, you might. And will probably, beat it much faster, your mild symptoms might be so mild. And brief you don’t realize you even caught it. Goes fast from feeling basically fine to suddenly feeling severely ill to suddenly being unable to breathe. So if breathing gets hard mid-second week, go to the hospital right away. At this point, you can die within hours of acute lung failure.
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