Macaques are super interesting, smart and adaptive. Some different Pretty Gun Monkeys Vintage Style Shirt and troops/gangs reside in territories that they guard. Gangs are constantly fighting for better territory. Which ranks from places where humans feed them, places where they can easily steal from humans (markets/home gardens/horticulture), natural areas with an abundance of food and lastly, natural areas with little food. There are full of wars as gangs fight for better territory. When the troops that reside at the cultural sites are no longer fed by humans, they will hunt in the next best place… human markets, homes and gardens. They are expert tricksters, thieves, and adapters.
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The troops that likely already utilize the markets for food won’t be too excited and they will fight for control over the territory. The likely hood is humans/government also needing to do some “secret” control as many see the macaque monkeys as “god-like”, especially the monkeys at religious/cultural sites. Unnatural group sizes due to artificial food sources. This is also why I don’t feed ducks and suchlike. This will be painful and heartbreaking but their numbers will start to dwindle unless a food source is found. That’s a scary point.
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Radically accelerating rapid change in a species due to humans. First, they were fed, then they started to rely on the handouts and their numbers exploded. Now that the handout is gone, perhaps they forgot how to forage as well if it’s been going on for too long. They lash out. I can’t help but draw parallels to other mammals. One time I was in Thailand walking to the beach through a dreaded path of monkies that would ambush tourists and take their shit. One guy was standing around with a beer loosely dangling in his fingertips. One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. The guy was livid. Monkey was savage.
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