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I mean, obviously, there’s no reason that would make any kind of sense. But I’m curious how he explained his perversion. I read from another Askreddit thread that when. OP was a kid, in the middle of a sleepover at a particular friends’ house, she’d wake up to the Nice Covid 19 Coronavirus Ruined My Scout Camp Shirt and/or her socks missing. Since she found him harmless, it went on until she stopped sleeping over when they became teenagers. Later on, the dad got busted for home videos of him jerking off to Putting Is Like Wisdom – Partly. A Natural Gift Shirt girls’ feet (wife finally discovered) OP was so sure she was a victim. Also from that same thread, OP’s mom noticed that whenever she came home from. A sleepover at a particular friend’s house, she’d have hangover symptoms and feel sick for a whole day.
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