The second wave isn’t based on a second strain. It’s based on a relaxing of social distancing policies should rates decrease, seasonal transmissibility variation, Raccoon Be Free Eat Trash Death Is Coming Shirt or a combination of the two. We had to chop down a branch when camping to help a little raccoon get out of the big trashcan. We barely got the branch down in there and it climbed up and ran off so fast! Ended up using bondage rope to save a fat raccoon out of a dumpster over Spring break while everyone was gone. I went to a sex shop with my girlfriend and bought bondage rope for if we were ever feeling curious. I went home but didn’t use the rope.
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Fast forward a couple of days. It’s Spring break and my girl was staying with me in the dorms while everyone was away. I saw a fat raccoon stuck in an empty dumpster at the bottom of the garbage chute from the second-floor window. It kept hopping like this with no luck. I got worried because everyone was gone and Raccoon Be Free Eat Trash Death Is Coming Shirt no new trash would accumulate enough for it to get out before the next trash truck comes. After figuring out that the window from the second floor opened up. I considered my options on how to get it out. Once I realized I had the rope and sprung into action.
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I tied my laundry basket to the bondage rope and lowered that thing down into the dumpster. The raccoon was afraid of it but eventually understood and used it to climb up and out of. Then it waddled away at the pace of a slow jog into the woods the cute little fat fucker. Never ended up using the bondage rope for sex. Only used it to save a fat raccoon. They mean waves from relaxing isolation and new cases flaring up, not from waves of new strains that can infect folks who have antibodies.
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