Bill, you write her some dialogue. Something about not needing a man, yadda yadda. The part writes itself! A 90 pound chick would still pretty much guaranteed to lose to a 350lb security guard regardless of experience tbh. No amount of training is Secret Of Change Is To Focus All Of Your Energy Not On Fighting The Old But On Building The New Socrates Shirt. It’d be like a normal sized human fighting a Labrador. A 90 pound chick would still pretty much guaranteed lose to a 350lb security guard regardless of experience tbh. No amount of training is going to overcome that mass and size difference. It’d be like a normal sized human fighting a Labrador I’d actually say. I don’t hear a whole lot of complaining about poorly written male characters at all. I mean Tom Cruise can play the exact same.
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Silva is good representation in that way, imo. He’s not written as a stereotype and him being. Gay isn’t really relevant. You wouldn’t watch Brooklyn 99 and say wow that show was so diverse. But it covers a lot of different communities (not all of. Them Secret Of Change Is To Focus All Of Your Energy Not On. Fighting The Old But On Building The New Socrates Shirt. Of person) and characters development. Is not tied to that community exclusively, sure there are the problems they face from being in. That group but they have regular character development. Yeah, I think the “strong female stereotype” is the problem. Furiosa from MMFR and Ripley from Alien are other good examples of well-written strong characters who were women, and not written by a committee, “next we need a strong female character. I’m sure we’ll be able to give her some good lines.
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