As an introvert who wants what you want, I find it depressing seeing the kind of comments that are being upvoted Skull Inauguration Day January 20 2021 Trump Pence Shirt. While ones like yours get almost no engagement outside a few downvotes. A lot of the top comments from bitter “introverts” are kinda. Embarrassing for me to read, for same the reasons. You explained. Your last sentence struck me as a bit unfair at face value. I guess because I still find “why are you so quiet” to be terminal. A counter-productive question like 60% of the time. But I assume you were being hyperbolic. Side of the fence of the phase in our lives. So it’s frustrating that how we hear introverts respond to other people. Something ACTUALLY social would be getting them involved in the conversation somehow. Ask them what they think or if they have any similar experiences etc. Ok. Haha. Thank you so much.
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Watching you have a complete breakdown in this thread has been pretty entertaining. A bit, but chances are they aren’t a huge fan of idle conversation with a co-workẻ. And you acting like that is a personal attack on you is really, really funny. I am asking this because I want to know if there is anything. If you’ve ever Skull Inauguration Day January. 20 2021 Trump Pence Shirt to comic con. You will see that introverted people still talk a ton when they are having fun. So I totally reject the whole basis of the question that a person is quiet because they are an introvert. They are quiet because they are unhappy, uncomfortable. Feel left out, or feel awkward in the situation. Are there better ways to get someone engaged than saying “why are you quiet? Absolutely, and as you get older, extroverts get better at using other techniques.
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