I was personally very happy with her parents being nobodies. The Force Awakens, Last Jedi, and Rogue One built up this notion that getting in touch with the Force isn’t about who your parents are or some hereditary gift. It’s not even about being a Jedi. It’s also nice in that it’s part of a larger Sunflower Blessed To Be Called Grandma Shirt as a sort of yin and yang with them being the same but also opposites. But like 15 minutes later as the credits were rolling for Last Jedi in the theater the guy I was with leaned over and asked, “Who do you think Rey’s parents REALLY are?” I knew in that moment that Star Wars fans were going to ruin this one way or another.
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But like 15 minutes later as the credits were rolling for Last Jedi in the theater the guy. I was with leaned over and asked, “Who do you think Rey’s parents REALLY are?” I knew in that moment that Sunflower Blessed To Be Called Grandma Shirt or another. They prefer to tell us things rather than show us things. They never really explain what the resistance was resisting against, and where they were. I had to read an outside source to find out that the resistance was located inside of First Order territory and wasn’t directly related to the New Republic. Why? Yeah as soon as I heard JJ was doing it I knew exactly what that meant. Cool-sounding 1st movie with no follow-through or actually substance. Wars is complete bs. Lost became a smoking crater in the ground where the writers’ office used to be.
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