The normies are still afraid of Bernie and Trumpian “but socialism!” attacks would have been much more effective against Bernie. I mean, yeah, it’s not like Joe is going to magically make The Little Voices In My Head Keep Telling Me Get More Cows Shirt. This is more of that moment where you wave your arms around vigorously to re-assert your balance. And avoid falling off a tight rope. Not a massive show of progress, but far better than falling into the volcano below. While I’m happy to read that he drew the most eyeballs, it would not have surprised me in the slightest if one of the Obamas drew the most. Many people are voting for Biden for a return of an Obama-like presidency. They’re still incredibly popular and you’d expect top-notch speeches from them while Biden’s expectations weren’t high. Those low expectations were ultimate.
The Little Voices In My Head Keep Telling Me Get More Cows Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
On a related note, it’s sobering for me as a 37-year-old to see Bill Clinton’s role in the DNC reduced to support instead of the main attraction. It makes sense but boy does it remind me that I’m The Little Voices In My Head Keep Telling Me Get More Cows Shirt. Edit: lots of replies below me bringing up Epstein, pedophilia, etc. Just know I’m not condoning or excusing any allegations. I’m just making a comment about the march of time and the changing landscape. We all know Trump will bully and speak over him, but when Romney did this to Obama, Obama just let him wear himself out before explaining calmly and in an adult-like manner why what he said was wrong. Ok. Haha.
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