Earth II where the baby sea turtles mistake the city lights for the moonlight on the water and they.. go into the The Netherlands It’s Where My Story Begins Shirt and falling into storm drains? Or the frozen baby bison? Or the baby penguins who beg the cameraman. To help them before they freeze to death? God damn it. Fuck nature. For me, especially when you think about their character arcs and who they are. ‘What about second breakfast?’. They had no idea what they were doing and just tried. Their best to be honest to themselves; they destroyed the ring, took out the king of Gondor, killed the King Wraith, ramped up THE FOREST to take out the most powerful wizard, joined the calvary charge of Roheidon-?, dived into Hell/Mordor, fought demons, ect ect.
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The whole time they still stayed pretty. POositive but the pain was etched. Into their face…deep and terrible. And at The Netherlands It’s Where. My Story Begins Shirt, bowing to Kings. The Kings turned to THEM and bowed, everyone saw thier gifts, and who the Hobbits really were. The other races fought with Anger, Hate, Desperation. It was these feelings that led Sauron to led them all astray from the beginning. The Hobbits were the only ones to resist The Ring and fight with the power of Belief, Friendship, and true Heart. This is what I love the most about these films. They came out when I was just becoming an adult, and as I’ve gotten older. And experienced more, I find different messages and meanings that apply to me also.
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