I’ve never read a book series before or since that uses slavery – actual slavery of sentient beings – as an ongoing source of humor and amusement. Normally if characters were joking about this it’d be their crossing of the moral event horizon. The points where we accept they’re These Titties Are Protected By A Smokin Hot Crazy Guy And He’ll Punch You In The Throat Shirt. I don’t think she thinks very hard about messages or politics. And not in the “oh I’m apolitical” way. But in the “you are including it, but I don’t think. You are representing politics the way you think you are.”. I’m sorry but there are hundreds of fanfictions out there who have a more interesting take on it. Not a natural result of a system that doesn’t punish and in some cases actively cultivates pureblood supremacy.
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America is so diverse you can have 4 people come from the. Same city and pronounce words and do things all differently. This is so true. People always talk about how state to state. And coast to coast are so different, which is obvious. But in my own city (Philly), each part of the city. Of which there are many is. Extremely distinct with its These Titties Are Protected By A Smokin Hot Crazy Guy And He’ll Punch You In The Throat Shirts. Like for myself “all British people have bad teeth and speak weird” totally not true but a common joke for Americans nonetheless. Every country has its bad people. My brother went to Germany a year ago for a trip, when he kept asking for help at the airport. 5 people kept scoffing at him and told him to go bother someone else, in English as well.
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