I tend to be able to hold long conversations with nearly anyone. Even people who are more introverted have told me it is very easy to talk to me for long periods of time. It is totally about just a casual conversation flowing well, it won’t feel like a chore, it is enjoyable. Finding a thread in what you were just talking about that continues you down more trains of thought. This Awesome Dad Belongs To Name Shirt to know everything about each other’s lives, and to know each others friends or maybe exes. We talk about our families and religious beliefs, we talk just about anything we can, like future date ideas, movies and shows we’ll need to watch together, and sometimes we just spend hours lifting each other up and just giving each other the love and validation we both need.
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The closer a relationship you have with the person you’re talking to, the more likely it is (at least in my experience) that your conversation will be enjoyable and invigorating instead of exhausting. The conversation should also be balanced; both people should be taking about an equal amount. This Awesome Dad Belongs To Name Shirt one person talking for a significant section of time is bad. But the other person should naturally get time after that. In a good relationship. Built on communication, you should find this balance pretty naturally, though it will take conscious effort and self-awareness. Maybe it’s me thing, or I just find people I click with well, but. As far as getting tired, this depends on both the people and the content of the conversation.
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