Ever notice that there don’t seem to be elections in the wizarding world? Hagrid even mentions that the job was ‘offered’ to Dumbledore, who turned it down. Definitely a status quo worth enforcing. Yes! The whole way the Minister of Magic position Top Breast Cancer Awareness Nike Just Don’t Quit Shirt. Reminds me of Final Fantasy VII, and how the Shinra Electric Power Company is essentially the government in several major areas. There is the Wizengamot, which seems to act as both a court and a parliament, though I don’t think it’s ever elaborated on how it’s members are picked. Harry’s trial in book 5 is in front of them. A natural result of a system that doesn’t punish and in some cases actively cultivates pureblood supremacy. I could go on about Harry; I’ve never bought the idea that after all that he just marries.
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Like a lot of stereotypes, they might be true and funny to some extent, hurtful derogatory when taken too far. We joke about Canadians are about syrup, Timtims, poutine, and being sorry for no reason. We joke about the British being all about tea-drinking, biscuit eating, soccer-obsessed hooligans with crooked teeth. Who are terrible at spelling and talking in pretentious accents, and we can make fun of the Top Breast Cancer Awareness Nike Just Don’t Quit Shirt. It’s funny as long as everyone laughs, not so funny when someone gets offended. It’s actually more diverse and accepting of any culture or ethnicity on the planet. I feel like America is just way bigger than most other [European] countries. So we have a diversity they don’t quite get. I could recreate Hitler’s blitzkrieg to Poland and not even leave my God Damned state.
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