What if you were on that 12-5 AM shift on Monday, then have a meeting at 8 AM. Do you try to get two hours of shitty sleep maybe? Or do you just stay up? And after that hour-long meeting, you’ve got just 3 hours until your Top Freddie Mercury We Will Rock You Queen Crown Shirt assignment, so you stay awake again. By the end of your second shift, you’ve been up for 20 hours. And then what if the Captain orders a drill at 11 PM? You can’t go to sleep! The Navy is finally shifting to so-called “circadian” shifts, basically recognizing that making the entire crew not have asleep. The schedule is a terrible idea. Instead, schedules will be more fixed/. If you’re on the night shift, you will remain on the night shift for a while. So that your body can adjust to being on the night shift and can get restful sleep.
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There’s still too much to do and not enough people to do it, but at least the not enough rest you are getting is worth the name of “rest. Good God. After 3 weeks of 8-23 work schedules, I was banging the table and shaking my fist at engagement Top Freddie Mercury We Will Rock You Queen Crown Shirt. I’d probably get shot for assaulting a superior officer in the Navy. You have a bit of leeway in the 18-24-year-old body adaptability. I did it, it sucks absolute ass. But the chiefs, sr Petty officers, and officers aren’t usually on so harsh a watch bill And those are the positions that actually matter. It does really suck though. I did hit one or two times where watch and later GQ drills + unrep made it so I was hallucinating for a little bit on one watch.
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