I haven’t completed my degree and put it off. My younger sister by 3 years is about to finish her AA then transfer to an undergraduate school. The roommate she was going to live with fell through and I jumped on the opportunity to go to school with her. She said “we can be broke college students together” and not going to lie I teared up a Top Go Far Go Together Shirt. It’s a plan in progress but I applied to the school and am excited about this future. It seems a lot brighter than the path I was on. Just continue what you are doing. Don’t think about the past as some mistake, think about it as a life lesson. Its a bit corny but you really got your whole life ahead of yourself and you can still make it worth your time and be happy about yourself.
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When this is all past behind you, you will even smile towards these harder times and use it for further inspiration in your future accomplishments! Good luck and be the best possible version of yourself! Just be mindful of this. Don’t replace one codependency for another. I’ve seen this happen before with a Top Go Far Go Together Shirt. He finally moved away, lived in a dorm-like a freshman, and got his degree. By that time he’d been divorced twice. He just kept clinging to women, family, and friends. Good luck to you. Luckily realizing before any type of marriage that she was toxic. So I moved to my mom’s, became dependent on her for a bit to get back on my feet, then learned how to be completely independent.
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My mom is one to hold over you the help she has given so this time around I am paying for college and my rent and not taking aid from her. I’m sorry for your buddy hopefully he is on a Top Go Far Go Together Shirt! Yes, he’s got things square, but it took some time. I’m sure you will get things sorted too. I just wanted to pass on some experience that I had witnessed. Again, good luck to you. I hated getting help from anyone because I knew it almost always came with strings attached but ultimately I knew I’d be better off if I surrounded myself with people I can depend on. You can do it. One step at a time my dude.
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