They think they’re better than anyone poorer than them, who wait tables, take out your garbage, clean your hotel rooms. They always have. The GOP simply feels Top Horror Characters Hallowen Ded Dedd N Deddy Shirt enough to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and inherit daddy’s fortune. So really it’s on you that they feel you’re inferior. She literally pulled herself up by the bootstraps like they always hark on. How can Trump supporters say she has no experience. They change the talking point hypocritically every other day. Please pay $3 more for your fucking entree and respect the fact that the 3$ price increase pays for a quality employee. So good. So happy. Thank you so much. Then you should buy this shirt for your collection. So it’s really a nice shirt.
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As someone who worked food service in college for a bit, I only eat in places where I can tip well. As someone who works construction now, I wish I could get tips. They really aren’t. Fox and the rest highlight her “transgressions” the Top Horror Characters Hallowen Ded Dedd N Deddy Shirts. Someone on Twitter brings it up and then O’Reilly or whoever makes a reply/retweet and then its news long enough to report on, confirm biases, and forgotten. They’re giving her the Clinton treatment and at the end that was enough to make even not want to vote for her. It’s a predicament of not wanting to stoop to their level, but losing because you won’t. All the attention they give her just gives her ideas more airtime. I wouldn’t know who the fuck she is just like the hundreds of other random congressmen.
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