Griffin told a story that was hyper-focused and easy to follow. Get the next MacGuffin because it’s powerful and Top Nick And Sienna Shirt people. Al the way up to the penultimate arc. Maybe not the most nuanced story. But there were underlying motivations for NPCs that made it a bit better there. Travis has a very disjointed story that’s hard. To keep track of and is inconsistent with setting and character motivations. I think a lot of that will be made better by binge listening. But there are still points in some episodes where Travis said one thing, then contradicts it. Or adds new information in the recap of the next episode. Sorry, got kind of ranty there. I meant to just give my two cents about the railroading and then just started going full stream of consciousness.
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Also, and this is my top problem with how Travis DMs, Travis simply refuses to describe anything that wasn’t prewritten in a meaningful way. He prewrote the NPCs entering combat but then when a player attacks or glues himself to a pit fiend’s face, its just the raw numbers. He could even Top Nick And Sienna Shirt the characters describe what happens, but generally its just been how much damage. And there’s a ton of non-descriptions for stuff that was even pre-written: “Just standard wizard stuff, you know!” or “Imagine the most beautiful field, it’s a lot like that”. It makes it very hard as a listener to paint a picture of what’s happening. Griffin was already bending the rules way more than basically anyone would in a typical game. Some people didn’t like that, yeah, but most real games would be boring at times to hear as the pace tends to be much slower.
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