It’s sort of play fighting most of the time tbh, which is why it kinda rolls off you. Same with things like the Scottish-English rivalry most of the time. Occasionally a dickhead will stomp in maliciously with it but for the most part, it’s just a bit of fun between two knowing Top No Flying Zero Fucks Since Birth Fucks Club Shirt. I enjoy the banter and jokes between the English/British and the French and the English and the Scots and the English and the Welsh. Hm, seeing a pattern here. Anyway, its like the difference between banter between friends and some random kid you don’t know well trying to join in and it feels weird. The first thing we heard was that the United States was under attack. The Pentagon was hit and the world trade center was burning.
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Yes, 2 planes leveled 3 entire skyscrapers. Yes I know, it doesn’t make any logical sense to me either. I was at work in the Pentagon that day when a loud explosion shook the walls of our office and dust and debris started falling from the ceiling. People ran outside to see what Top No Flying Zero Fucks Since Birth Fucks Club Shirt. I followed the crowd and ran outside to the parking lot. There, I could see a large plane protruding out of one side of the Pentagon. An airliner crashing into the building was the cause of that explosion. Then there followed frantic PA announcements to evacuate the site immediately. So I ran out of the Pentagon grounds into a nearby hilly neighborhood. The plane had flown over that neighborhood skimming the tops of a couple of buildings before crashing into the Pentagon.
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