Probably because they’ve seen it in a video guide, where everyone suggests this strat. It does not actually work in Classic, it worked in Vanilla but due to the leeway in Classic, the mob will hit you on your way out from the mob anyway. I’ve tried this since I got hamstring, and it rarely works. I tried replacing HS with Sunder for about 3 kills before I realized you never get enough sunders off to make a difference. It’s better to rage dump with HS a Top Samurai And Virus Demon No.2 Shirt. You should be fighting green mobs as a warrior anyways. Most enemies can hit you at a much larger distance, so by the time you get out of their melee range, your swing timer is just about to reset, netting you very little.
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Hamstring kite is so goddamn tedious and annoying anyway. I tried it for one level and you just end up pulling everything. Ita a nice idea but it’s basically like spamming hamstring for the overpowers proc. Everyone seems to be getting a Top Samurai And Virus Demon No.2 Shirt. I’m more than open to trying all these things I read but they are inevitable very equal to what I’ve been doing… You are correct mostly there is one case where heroic strike spamming is better which is dual-wielding with a slow main hand and a fast off-hand. I’ve found that a lot of warrior advice given out is actually untrue. Dual-wielding and HS are both fine while leveling as long as you’re killing green mobs.
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Which you should be doing anyway. Like if there’s one piece of advice I would give it’s “kill green mobs”. Interesting, do you have any proof or source on this? I’ll try it later. If it works that way are you suggesting that once you activate heroic strike every offhand hit will be a Top Samurai And Virus Demon No.2 Shirt. Everyone is jerking off OP without considering that every mob dies by the time you stack sunder. And it dies even faster if you stop using sunder and just hit HS. These don’t raid bosses. Imagine being outright wrong but everyone is eating it up as they’ve just been enlightened.
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