They literally have no idea what point they’re making. They don’t know why they’re so desperate to pretend this pandemic isn’t real. The only thing they know is that they need to say “Trump good, Democrats bad. We need something like a Nuremberg trial when this is all done. Crimes should be Top Vintage Trump To All My Hater Shirt accountable so that the conscience of a nation can begin to grapple with the level of human destruction this administration has caused. What is mind-boggling is that their hubris kept them from realizing they were going to eventually kill off far more of their supporters than liberals. And that their supporters would be hardest hit financially. Jared Kushner: Crimes against humanity, obstruction, and Treason.
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Trump has abandoned any federal strategy over the COVID-19 pandemic, reportedly because. Trump was worried about being blamed for a worsening situation. But voters want leadership, not ignoring a problem. Kushner was in charge of creating a national COVID-19 Top Vintage Trump To All My Hater Shirt. Because he and Trump saw the pandemic as being a problem primarily for Blue states. This is such flawed, short term thinking. I have little faith, however, that Jared could have actually pulled off this project. Hydroxychloroquine. Months ago Trump saw reports that this drug may have some effectiveness in treating COVID-19. Studies have since shown this not to be true. But Trump cannot let go. He doesn’t even have to admit he was wrong, he just needs to stop pushing this drug. But he can’t. I feel for Wisconsin like I know Governor.
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